News Update

Departmental Services

Service Details

About Services

Municipal water supply systems include facilities for storage, transmission, treatment, and distribution. The design of these facilities depends on the quality of the water, the particular needs of the user or consumer, and on the quantities of water that must be processed. Maynaguri municipality has its own water supply department headed by the Incharge along with dedicated technical and clerical staff who are always ready to provide their best services to the municipal citizen.

Activities and Rules & Regulations

The department is responsible for the construction of new Water Lines and new water connections along with the maintenance of existing Water Lines. The department is also responsible for providing Ferrule (Water), to obtain a new water connection or existing water line or Ferrule maintenance, the citizen has to apply to the concerned department. There is a specific application form to apply the same. 

Piped water supply scheme for the 17 nos. wards under Maynaguri Municipality is being prepared with the objective to supply potable water to the entire area under Maynaguri Town which is not covered by the existing water supply system of the town. 
The source of water to be used is the Groundwater source which will be obtained by installation of the required nos. of deep tubewells for each Zone. The safe water as obtained from the deep tubewells will be pumped and conveyed to the Over Head Reservoir (OHR) through the rising main and the distribution will be done from OHR to the entire command areas proposed to be covered by the required distribution networks.
D.I pipes have been proposed to be used in the water supply scheme considering all aspects of the economy.

Departmental Staff

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